Cabo Verde
Visit Cabo Verde

Circuits in Cape Verde

Island of the Senses Circuit: Where the five senses fall in love with the people's morabeza

This circuit is an experience designed to engage visitors with the local culture, landscapes, flavors, sounds, and feelings that the islands have to offer. Such experience aim to immerse tourists in the sensory experiences of Cape Verde.
The circuit of the Islands of Senses is accessible by domestic inter-island flights.
However, truly getting to know the islands requires walking and the help of local guides who know every corner like the back of their hands.


Island of Santo Antão

Santo Antão é um ilha maravilhoso! Tem montanhas altos, vales verdejantes, e um povo que ta vive ku morabeza. Es ta cultiva grogue ki ta sabe bem, e ta faze artesania lindo. Kada bez ki bo ta visita Santo Antão, bo ta descoberi algu diferente.

The island of Santo Antão can only be described as majestic. Rocky landscapes contrast with lush valleys, and the sheer magnitude of the blue sea is breathtaking. With some of the most incredible hiking trails in the world, every step taken on this island is a truly immersive experience.

A visit to Santo Antão demands an escape into its mountains, savoring a delicious lobster meal, enjoying a walk through Paul Valley, and ending the day with a sense of perfection while watching the sunset at Tarrafal Bay.

Island of São Nicolau

Land of beliefs and legends, with colorful colonial houses and a smiling people who know how to receive with the typical warmth of those who welcome with their soul. It is here, in this land forever immortalized by Cesária Évora, that you can taste the modjke de São Nicolau and feel the strength of a people.

São Nicolau ê un ilha bunitu ku gentis amável. Tem paisagens impressionantes, praia d’areia pretu, e um rika tradição di festas populares. This means that São Nicolau is a beautiful island with friendly people. It has stunning landscapes, black sand beaches, and a rich tradition of popular festivals. Also, in São Nicolau, birdwatching is one of the great attractions, as 72 species of birds are registered here, with highlights including Cape Verde Swiftlet, Cape Verde Sparrow and Cape Verde Warbler.

Island of Fogo

Ola, bem-vindu na Fogo! Na Fogo, nôs ê na lugal belu ku kultur rika. Nôs ta spera ki bo visita sê ineskecível.
Indeed, an island of everlasting memories and cultural opulence.
Home of the only active volcano in Cape Verde, Fogo is a dry yet fertile land. In a touch of magic, vineyards are cultivated in a volcanic crater and produce a wine with a unique flavor and high alcohol content. Those who visit here are always enchanted by nature's strength and life, which fills the island with charms that melt hearts.

On the island of Fogo, the volcano reigns supreme, and the trails leading to its summit are some of the most incredible tourist routes. The ruggedness of the land contrasts with the magnitude of the volcano, making imaginations soar high and hearts beat faster.

Island of Brava

Brava, un pérola di nos archipélago, un ilha di beleza i morabeza - Brava, a pearl of our archipelago, an island of beauty and morabeza.

Once known as the Island of Flowers, Brava still holds the power to capture visitors' hearts today. Those who wander through Brava's winding paths may find themselves lost in the taste of goat cheese, natural pools of warm and tranquil water that contrast with the ferocity promised by the Atlantic Ocean, and a sea of vibrant flowers alongside people whose smiles radiate warmth from their African roots.

The island's hiking trails lead adventurers to countless lookout points where they can be awestruck by breathtaking views. Taking a dip in Fajã de Água's natural pools is an excellent idea, as is indulging in some delicious goat cheese.

Source A Semana

Island of Boa Vista

Bem-vindu na Boa Vista, un ilha di dunas branku i praias paradizíacas. Nôs ta spera ki bo desfruta di nôs beleza natural i morabeza cabo-verdiana. - Welcome to Boa Vista, an island of white dunes and paradisiacal beaches. We hope you enjoy our natural beauty and Cape Verdean hospitality.

Boa Vista is the Creole Culture Repository, overflowing with tales of pirates and ancient traditions. This island stands as a realm teeming with vibrant marine and terrestrial ecosystems. A genuine gem of the Atlantic, untouched and resplendent.
Boa Vista is a showcase for everything that Cape Verde has to offer. It has sea, magnificent beaches and a constantly mild temperature. The island is a rainbow of color and an ideal location for romantic experiences as there's romance around every corner.

Island of Salt

Hot and dry land, the Sal island smells of sea and sun. The mineral that gives the island its name permeates the skin, while in one's soul remains the certainty that this is a dream destination. On Sal Island, there are also experiences that happen only here.

In Sal Island, one of the most touristic islands in the entire archipelago, you can observe sharks in Baía das Pardas, stroll through Conchas Beach's Shell Cemetery and savor high-quality tuna bellies and seafood.

Sal, un ilha ku morabeza di nôs gentis, undi sorrisu i alegria ê ta brilha.
Nôs ta spera ki bo tene un sta agradável.

Sal, an island with the morabeza of our people, where smiles and happiness shine. We hope you have a pleasant stay.

Island of Maio

Bem-vindu na Maio, un ilha úniku - Welcome to Maio, a truly unique island!
Far from the hustle and bustle of tourism, Maio is pure. Maio knows how to welcome like few others and brings to the spotlight a true paradise waiting to be discovered. Peace, nature, and unique experiences are synonymous with Maio.

Maio is nature in its purest state. The fishing boats are a real tourist attraction, specially during the warmer months from April to September, for offshore game fishing, including species like tuna, wahoo, and dorado, as well as Grouper, Snapper and Barracuda, During this time, the waters are warmer, and the fish tend to be more active.

But nothing beats the nesting of turtles between the months of July and August. Maio Island is blessed with a remarkable sight: nesting turtles. As the sun sets, these magnificent creatures emerge from the ocean depths, guided by instinct. Silently, they make their way to the sandy beaches, where they carefully dig nests and lay their precious eggs. This extraordinary natural phenomenon is protected through conservation efforts and responsible tourism, allowing visitors to witness this unforgettable event while preserving the delicate ecosystem. The turtles' return to the sea, their mission fulfilled, leaves a lasting impression on those fortunate enough to witness it.

Island of São Vicente

Sêde di múzika, lar di morna i bérçu di Cesária Évora! - Capital of Music, home of Morna and birthplace of Cesária Évora.
São Vicente is a cosmopolitan city. In Mindelo, there is much to do, starting with diving into the waters of Laginha Beach and contemplating the breathtaking views from Monte Verde.

The essence of the city lies in its culture, which can be felt during a visit to the Municipal Market and the Cultural Center of Mindelo. At the Municipal Market, you will find a variety of local flavors, aromas, and even traditional crafts, immersing yourself in the daily life of this island. At the Cultural Center of Mindelo, you can enjoy musical performances, art exhibitions, and cultural events, experiencing the rich musical and artistic traditions of São Vicente. Both places offer an authentic experience that reflects the vibrant and diverse culture of the island.

Let's not forget the sounds and smells that can be felt in every corner. The sounds of Morna are known for their melancholic melodies and poetic lyrics, embracing themes of love and longing. Coladeira, Funaná, and Batuque are other musical styles that fill the rhythm of the island. As for the smells, they are reminiscent of Cape Verdean Cachupa, a dish rich in flavors, prepared with beans, corn, different types of meat, considered comforting and nutritious.

Island of Santiago

On the island of Santiago, history is in the air. Memories from bygone times are recounted, and one can experience typical African culture while feeling the weight of the largest island in the archipelago. In Praia, capital of Cape Verde, there is a strong African presence with Mediterranean influence.

Santiago Island embodies true African essence and is home to Tarrafal, Cidade Velha and Praia.
Na Cidade da Praia, marisku i múzika ê rei i nôs gentis ta recebi tudu na braçu abertu - In Praia, seafood and music reign supreme and welcome all with open arms.

But there's much more to see here. Visit Avenida Cidade de Lisboa for shops and restaurants. Explore Mercado de Sucupira for local products. Discover history at Museu da Resistência. Relax at Praia de Gamboa. Don't miss Plateau's charm and Fortaleza de São Filipe. Experience Brazilian influence at Centro Cultural Brasil-Cabo Verde.


Explore Cabo Verde

Sun and beach, mountain trails, landscapes of a nature that so easily springs up everywhere and a wealth of customs and traditions that does not translate into any price: Cabo Verde is a paradise that rests by the sea.

With the morabeza of the people and the magic that is only found in Islands of sun and sea, this archipelago is a universe of experiences to discover.

Flavors, smells and colors permeate memories and here you can feel the warm breeze on the skin and the sweetness of life.

Travel Wise

Getting to know a new country is synonymous with new adventures. Each country is a country. It is a different culture, with its own laws, customs, tastes and peculiarities distinct from any other part of the world.

Preparing your trip in advance can save you some challenges.

Here you can find the most frequent questions of travelers and some tips so that you can get to know the country smoothly.



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